Communities Accessible by Road


There are 10 highways in the Northwest Territories, along with a number of community access roads and winter roads. Of the 33 communities in the Northwest Territories, 19 have road access, 10 have winter road access only, and 4 are without road access.

Communities with Road Access:

Behchokǫ̀, Dettah, Enterprise, Fort Liard, Fort Providence, Fort Resolution, Fort Simpson, Fort Smith, Hay River, Jean Marie River, Kakisa, Kátł’odeeche , Nahanni Butte, Fort McPherson, Inuvik, Tsiigehtchic, Tuktoyaktuk, Wrigley, Yellowknife

Communities with Winter Road Access Only:

Aklavik, Colville Lake, Délįne, Fort Good Hope, Gamètì, Norman Wells, Sambaa K’e, Tulita, Wekweètì, Whatì

Communities Without Road Access (Air Only):

Łutsel K’e, Paulatuk, Sachs Harbour, Ulukhaktok

Highway 1 (Mackenzie Highway) and Highway 8 (Dempster Highway) both have seasonal ferries and ice bridges, which may limit travel to some communities during break-up and freeze-up.

The Tłı̨chǫ All-Season Highway is expected to be open to the public in the fall of 2021, creating all-season access to the community of Whatì.


For more information on highways, ferries, and winter roads in the Northwest Territories, visit